
So I’ve been attached to the computer all day. I know, no fun for Ella. A scrap site- A Cherry on Top, is hosting a crop weekend where they play games and have challenges to win cool prizes. I haven’t felt good enough to actually do any of the challenges. I don’t know if I’m getting the flu or if I just have a sinus infection, but my throat is killing me! It’s not sore, but achy from drainage. And my head feels stopped up. Yuck! So it’s been a perfect day to get lost in the computer in mindless games. Ella has been playing with her toys and trying to play on the laptop. Steve and Rachael came over and occupied her for an hour. Mom is slowly getting better. Hopefully tomorrow she’ll be well enough I can pawn Ella off to her for a while. I need a mommy break! So tonight as we were eating dinner, Wheel of Fortune was on. Ella was intrigued and paid more attention to the tv than her food. The next thing I know, she’s calling out the letters after the contestants say them. This went on for about 5 minutes. It was too cute. So, I guess we will have to watch Wheel more often. She is such a mess 🙂

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